Let’s Collaborate!
I am currently trying to imagine new ways to serve as a minister, writer, and theologian. I am based out of Southwest Ohio, but I love to travel. Here are opportunities I’d like to collaborate with you.
Supply Preaching: I am not currently viable for supply preaching. I have a deep love of preaching. I have experience preaching the RCL or could easily dovetail into a sermon series. My preaching is typically driven by narratives and images. I like to ask: What is God doing in this moment and how do we enjoin that activity together? I have preached in both small, intimate settings and large, more formal ones, as well as ecumenically.
Topical Preaching: I’m willing to preach on the belonging and belovedness of people who are transgender, non-binary, and gender expansive. I’ll ask for a little additional remuneration for my emotional labor and to offset the costs of my ongoing writing and study. While I’m not currently available on Sunday mornings, I am open to other opportunities.
Bible Studies: Honestly, nothing makes me happier than leading a Bible Study. These can be used for conferences and retreats
Here are some of my favorites topics:
Making Sense of God: What do our senses tell us about God? Together, we’ll read five sensual passages of the Gospel of John and uses our senses to develop a deeper sense of place and embodiment.
Questions of Faith: Jesus asks more questions than he answers. I like to explore the different questions asked by Jesus. This study can be enhanced with the supplemental reading of Martin Copenhaver’s “Jesus is the Quesion.”
Parables: Jesus’ preaching mostly consisted of short stories. What happens if we refrain from over-simplistic, allegorical readings and read parables about the absurdity of faith? Also, what if we told some parables of our own?
A have series on both the Beatitudes and the Fruit of the Spirit where we interpret other passages of scripture through the lens of each blessing or fruit.
Workshops: Here are some workshops I can lead related to faith development. These can be used for conferences and retreats:
Being a Better Neighbor: Jesus says that loving your neighbor is like loving God. How do we become better neighbors? How can we imagine ministry as partnership and accompaniment? Since colonialism, Christianity has upheld a distorted sense of place and materiality. What can we learn about our place? We can do mapping exercises, reflect on Paul in Athens, engage contemporary theologians, and explore questions to ask to better listen to our neighbors.
Praying to the Mystery in the Whirlwind: Praying to the creator of the platypus can somehow be intimidating. Let’s work through that together.
Writing as Faith Exploration: What does writing look like as a spiritual practice? We’ll do some writing exercises together tailored to your community’s interests and concerns.
Belonging and Belovedness: Drawing upon my writing and study, let’s have an urgently needed conversation about the belonging and belovedness of transgender, non-binary, gender expansive, and intersex folx.
Advocacy: I was trained as a theologian at Union Theological Seminary in NYC, known to produce advocates and activists. As a pastor, I’m deeply interested in activist communities and helping meet the spiritual needs that not only lead to action but sustain it. When I lived in Asheville, NC, I was involved with issues around homelessness. I have worked with across racial and denominational lines for social justice. More recently, I have spoken in public hearings against resolutions targeting LGBTQIA+ youth. I’d love to work with you to better serve the common good.
Freelance writing: In addition to my creative non-fiction project on gender and faith, I am working on essays and poetry. I have also done some freelance reporting. Click here to see some of my reporting. I am open for opportunities.
Pastor: I’m currently serving in a temporary pastoral relationship. I would love to serve as a pastor of an urban, progressive church. Ask me for my pastoral profile!